Immigrants, based on a true story, is a stylized gangster piece set in Hollywood in the eighties. It follows the life of a genius immigrant cardiologist, Jeanne, who escapes the oppression of the Soviet Union whilst on a conference trip to NYC. His dream of freedom, and life in a free country leads him down a dead end road of fraud, deception, and murder.
In the first act, Jeanne tries desperately to fly straight and get his medical certification in the states to be able to continue his life’s work as a doctor, except the difficulties of immigrant life forces him to work terrible jobs to make ends meet. After being pushed to the edge by his boss, he and his immigrant friends snap and rob their employer, the owner of a large jewelry manufacturing company, for hundreds of thousands in gold, jewels and cash. They then enter where Jeanne’s talents lie… The world of medicine, except they do so by defrauding the government in millions of Medicare funds.
In the third act, things go from bad to worse when they are forced to kill one of the most dangerous men on the west coast and are pushed further down the rabbit hole of crime, standing on the cusp of the largest medical fraud heist in the history of the world.
Our film takes place at a time when the Italians were running New York… but IMMIGRANTS were running Hollywood. A Scorsese meets Tarantino flick with a unique flare that has yet to hit the silver screen. Immigrants is filled with cash, drugs, gangsters, women, gambling and the most important thing… A lesson… That freedom lies in the hearts of men, not in any dream land.